Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Explaining things to a 4-year-old

What is peace?
What is conflict?
Who is Mercy Mild?
How can Jesus be everywhere?
Do angels wear panties?
Are angels girls?
What does Rock of My Soul Mean?
What is the bosom of Abraham?
How is Jesus God if God is Jesus's father?
Is Jesus a father?
Did they sing Happy Birthday to Jesus?
Should we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus?
Why is Christmas Jesus's Birthday?
How old is Jesus?
What is sin?
What is forgiven?
What is mercy?

Help! Help!

If my child has poor theology, I'm afraid it is my fault.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember feeling overwhelmed by 3 little ones of my own. I doubt I even touched a piece of sand's worth answering them. I relized how poor my knowledge was.