Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy to have a full house

Random Person: "Wow, you really have your hands full!"
Random Person 2: "Oh you poor thing. How do you do it?"
Random Person 3: " You know there are ways to prevent that don't you?"
Random Person 4: "Oh you must be so busy. You poor thing!"

What I should say: "Yes it is very busy and exhausting to have three small children and to be expecting number 4. But at the same time, I have blessings that you could never imagine. And not for a moment would I trade my life for anyone's"

What I actually say : "uh-huh"

What I am thinking: "If one more person makes a comment like that I am going to clobber them with this diaper bag!!!!"

Fortunately for them I usually have a child in my arms making it rather difficult to swing the bag.

Today, I had the rare treat of going grocery shopping with just Isaac. He and I had so much fun giggling and playing together.

Isaac had his first haircut on Tuesday evening. He looks like a big boy now. I didn't cry, but I have to admit it made me a little sad. I think with each passing child it is harder to watch them grow up because I see how quickly it goes.

On another note. If anyone is looking for a nice baby sling. My friend Joy is starting a home business making them. She has a website, but I don't remember what it is. I will post that soon.


Kathy said...

On the bright side, your children are too young to have any of their peers ask if their "parents plan to have any more children." I sill wonder what would've happened had I actually looked at the girl with a naive expression and said "I don't know. You'd have to ask them." Instead I took the easy way out and shrugged my shoulders and either said or implied that I didn't know.

While it is probably no comfort, people seem to say the first thing that comes to mind without thinking how dumb it is sometimes. I believe the expression is "open mouth insert foot."

I know I've probably said it before, but I will reiterate I am excited about the new baby.

rosechemist said...

Off topic --

Manda is helping me move my stuff to Columbus. We are crashing in Fort Wayne at Doug's for Saturday night. She thought we might get in touch with you and Paul. We were going to go to the Greekfest at Headwaters Park when we got there. If you are interesting in joining us just give us a call hers or mine (812-878-2309). Have a great weekend.

Sara Plowman