Friday, June 22, 2007

The closed mouth gathers no foot!


Manda said...

I've opened my mouth so many times, it's hard to stop! Just one of the many flaws I continue to work on. *grins*

In other news...I'll be in FW Saturday night to Sunday midmorning or early afternoon. Depending on your schedule, perhaps I could see you and the family. The thought was to go to the greek festival Saturday evening, or maybe I could go to your church Sunday morning? Give me a call.


Anonymous said...

We'd love to see you guys. We could meet you for a while at Headwaters park. Last year we went into the festival to get food, but then went out and sat away from the loud noise to actually eat it. The music is pretty loud in the evenings (and you know how Paul is about loud music).

Otherwise, you are most welcome to come to church with us Sunday morning. If you want you can even come watch us attempt to teach the high school Sunday school class.

And/or if you'd like to we can do lunch Sunday. And this would be an excellent excuse to skip my family reunion.

Anyhow, one of us can call you later to make plans. I'm sure we don't need the world reading this.

Anonymous said...

P.S. The baby is on the table eating out of the cereal box. I really ought to pay more attention.

mirtft said...

On a completely unrelated note:
Have you or Paul ever thought about doing the Long Walk with Dave et all? I'm actually going to do it this year as Dave has graciously allowed me to join. As I'm sure you know it's August 24th 8:00pm-25th 8:00 pm.
Let me know if you or Paul would be interested! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look like Paul will be able to do the long walk. We'll be camping the weekend before and the big party is the weekend after. Plus, if Paul's schedule hasn't changed he'll be working Friday night (the 24th). But I'm sure you'll like Dave's friends