Friday, May 11, 2007

Not thin anyway

I just learned this for a reliable source (The News Sentinel). Just because you look thin doesn't mean you are.

"'Being Thin doesn't automatically mean you're not fat,' said Dr. Jimmy Bell, a professor of molecular imaging at Imperial College, London."

I, for one, feel a little better now.


Kathy said...

That is kind of confusing.

David said...

Yeah, some people are thin just because they have little muscle and small bones, although their body-fat percentage is actually high. This is much worse, I think, than having a high BFP and looking fat, because then at least there might be some muscle there, too.

Is that what the article was saying?

Shae said...

The basic idea of the article was that a person who appears thin may actually have large stores of fat hidden among their internal organs. One of the things I liked was that it sort of debunked the use of BMI (Body Mass Index) for determining overall health. The BMI is a measure that tells you how much you should weigh for your height.

I was highly amused though, that they had such a poor use of language.