Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Isaac!!!

Today Isaac turned one. He is not quite walking on his own (though he has taken a few steps on his own). He also is climbing onto everything and getting into everything. Because Isaac has had pneumonia and double ear infections we had to postpone his Birthday party until Saturday. We are going to Chuck E. Cheese Saturday morning.

This morning Abigail was attempting to teach Isaac how to fetch. Also she was trying to play teacher for awhile, and she found that he was not always cooperative. However, he seemed to think it was great fun to crawl away just when she wanted him to do something.

Isaac is a very laid back child. Now if we could just keep him healthy (it looks like he'll be getting tubes in his ears soon).


roerte said...

Happy Birthday, Isaac!

Kathy said...

Happy Birthday Isaac!

The story about Abigial teaching him to fetch reminds me of what I told my younger sister when she wanted a dog "You don't need a dog, you have a younger sister."

If it is any comfort to her, my younger siblings tend to not listen to me as well.