Tuesday, November 6, 2007


The longer time goes, the less it seems to take to get me really excited.

Right now, I am celebrating the discovery of my long lost phillips screw driver. Yes, the very same one I couldn't find over labor day weekend. :) Finally!


Anonymous said...

All right! Now if only we could find our long lost sanity.

Kathy said...

Yay excitement!

I take it this was the screwdriver you wanted to use to put the bathroom shelf thing together during labor day weekend.

Sanity? What is this sanity of which you speak Paul? I hold that the "I" in RHIT stands for "insane."

Manda said...

Congratulations on finding excitement in the little things. I find my husband is usually the culprit when things are moved in our household, though I'm really good at putting things in safe places and completely forgetting where that safe place is. ^_^

I second Kathy's motion, I = insane. ^_^

see ya,