Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Running the home stretch

I saw the OB today. The ultrasound shows that Naomi is nice and plump. She also has hair!!! The Dr. couldn't get a good printout of her though, because her head is so far engaged. Although I'd have liked a better picture, I'm happy to hear this.

After my appointment, I took the kiddos to the BMV to renew my driver's license. The lady did not want to update my weight. So it still says I weigh 124. Perhaps she figured you shouldn't change the weight of a pregnant woman. But the amazing thing is that there was no wait at all. I guess I picked a good day and time. The new BMV is actually very nice too. So I suppose I'll eventually have to stop being bitter about all the changes they've made. The children behaved themselves wonderfully through the whole ordeal. I received many compliments on them.

The word of the day today is humidifier. I don't know why but Abigail has been saying it over and over again.

And Sammy has learned to count to ten.

My nesting energy left this afternoon, so now I am back to feeling dead tired.


Kathy said...

So the BMV visit went quickly? No disclaimers about how it isn't their fault if February falls between this visit and your next appointment?

Yay for children behaving!

"Humidifier" sounds like it would take longer to repeat over and over than "black" which was the word for part of the evening last Saturday. Possibly since you got that humidifier (or dehumidifier?) from your folks last weekend?

Anonymous said...

You've reminded me that I need to go to the BMV soon, too. My present driver's license still has our Wilt address on it.