Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Day 4

It feels nice outside today. That is, if you like a sauna. I am so grateful that someone invented air-conditioning. We were about half-an-hour early to pick up Abigail from camp, so the boys and I found a nice shady spot to sit and wait. Even in the shade it was quite hot.

It's day 4, and I am really tired. My house is still a mess. But deep down I know that it would be messier if I were not trying so hard. Cheryl called today and wondered if it is too much on us for them to come visit. She said they didn't need to come. It was sweet of her to offer. However, can you imagine... "I'm sorry kids, Grandma isn't coming after all." "Why not mommy?" "Why?" "But mommy I want to see Grandma!" "But how will Grandma get the thing I made for her?" "But you said that Grandma was coming!"

I would not hear the end of it for weeks. In other words, the kids are really looking forward to seeing their Grandma and Aunt Cheryl. Messy house or not.

Complete change of subject: I bought a new game called "Loot" today. We played it with Jerry and Elizabeth when we were down in Indy. I am hoping to teach it to my family at the big camping trip. It will probably also be a good youth group game.

And speaking of the camping trip. I sure hope the weather cools down. If not maybe we can just set up sleeping bags in the living room. Grandma Pat would have all sorts of ideas on how to make it more camp like. It sort of reminds me about the time that she decided it would be fun to have a picnic in the dark in my dorm room. I'm pretty sure Paul was the only one eating (meal exchange on a Friday), we weren't dating yet at the time and I am amazed that he wasn't frightened away.

1 comment:

M LO said...

Camping in the living room? Now you're speaking my language. I too hope that it will cool down by then. About the youth group thing: I think it's great that you and Paul have agreed to take over. Don't worry about not being cool enough. As I recall, there are only two types of youth group leaders. There's the type that acknowledges they are not cool to high school kids but makes it fun and spiritual anyway. Then there's the type that tries way too hard to be cool (spiky blond highlights, flames on their shirts, lingo laced speech)and fails miserably. As I can't imagine Paul with blond highlights, I'll say you two will fall into the first category. And that's all for the better, I say.