Saturday, July 14, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday, I forgot to mention, was our fifth anniversary. I forgot, because we are celebrating today. After I get the kids fed and clothed, I will take them to Nana's house, and then Paul and I will have this whole wonderful day together. This afternoon we will be going to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and going to the Chinese restaurant we went to one our first date or was it our last "not date" (we haven't decided for sure which to call it).

As an anniversary present to each other, we are considering purchasing a digital camcorder. Not a super fancy one, of course. But it would be nice to be able to capture the kids on film. We currently have an old analog one that my Grandma Pat sent us. Without a TV/VCR the thing isn't that useful to us. Plus she didn't send an adaptor for the VCR anyway, so we would have to buy one in order to watch anything anyway.

Hard to believe it has been five years already. Time sure flies when you are having fun (or are incredibly busy). But between cleaning up poo (I'll post about that another time), warring the crud, feeding a clothing the children, when I do manage to think about life, I reflect on how glad I am that Paul and I are together.

He is not perfect, and life is not a bed of roses. But it is so obvious to me that God meant for us to be together. We complement each other well. There is no doubt in my mind that we made the right choice to get married. What would I ever do without such a wonderful husband.


Anonymous said...

I am extremely thankful to God for bringing the two of you together. Looking back from a distance, starting from when Paul and I would run and often stop at Mees Hall senior year (now I know why), to Fort Wayne, Indiana and four children (counting the baby to be born and named later)... it's been a joy to watch you grow closer to one another, serve God and raise a family together. Happy anniversary!

Manda said...

Happy Anniversary! We'll pray for your continued blessings.

love and prayers,
-The Beniks