Friday, July 13, 2007

Grocery Shopping

Tonight I took my little ones grocery shopping. First we went to the 3 Rivers Food Coop, which is a small health food stores. Abigail pushed one cart, which had groceries in it. And I pushed another which had her two brothers and a few more groceries. The children were marvelously behaved and all went well.

If only we had called it quits then...

After that we went to Meijer to do our more major shopping. It is always a little tiresome to do all out grocery shopping with three children. Tonight was a nightmare. First, we went to a different Meijer than usual since we were on the north side of town for our other shopping. Apparently this Meijer only has one extended bench shopping cart (this is the sort of cart that is like a regular cart but can seat two additional children). The cart was not available. So we set off with two shopping carts. Me pushing one, Abigail pushing the other.

Eventually Abigail became too tired. So she attempted to ride in the bottom part of the cart while I pushed one cart and pulled the other. Needless to say this took a lot longer than normal.

Part way into my shopping I nearly had a temper tantrum. I spotted the bench cart. It was NOT being used by a mommy and her small children. No of course not. It had zero children in it. The cart was being used by a man who was simply buying a lot of groceries. He was accompanied by a woman. So the two easily could have had TWO carts.

I considered confronting them, but decided against the matter.

Inside I was having a major temper tantrum. I did speak to a customer service person about the issue after I was done shopping. She sympathized with me, but I highly doubt anything will be done about the shortage of bench carts.

But, I will probably not do my grocery shopping there again. (Which is there loss since we spend a lot on groceries -- $300 tonight).

In retrospect when I discovered there was no bench cart available I should have loaded the kids up into my van and driven to another store.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I don't know if I've ever seen the "bench cart" but it sounds extremely useful. I'm sorry to hear that the shopping was so stressful for you.