Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sometimes the experts are just idiots

According to a newspaper article I read this morning, being happy causes people to have lower incomes and perform more poorly academically. They had surveyed people and found that the people who identified themselves as completely happy tended to have lower incomes and worse academic careers than those who did not. They concluded that being happy causes poor performance. They also noted that happy people do more volunteer work (being happy causes people to want to volunteer). Therefore you should not strive to be happy.

Clearly, I dropped out of college to get married and be a stay at home mom because I was just too happy.

Where were these people back in math class when they taught "correlation is not the same as causation".

Of course, it would be incorrect to say that I am completely happy. How could anyone be completely happy when there are people in this world attempting to fend off starvation by eating mud. Seriously, I was also reading in the selfsame newspaper, about how in Haiti many of the people cannot even afford to buy rice. So they are mixing mud with salt and shortening and cooking it. It's not a long term solution, but hopefully they can get by for awhile this way. And I guess it makes starvation less painful.

I am feeling rather heart-broken about this. And I am not prepared to sit idly by and mope. I've got to do more.


An update: Sammy's soccer was canceled because there weren't enough children signed up.


Manda said...

out of curiosity, where did you find the article?

Anonymous said...

in our local newspaper