Friday, January 25, 2008

Soccer Mom

Today I become a soccer mom! Gasp!

Sammy starts soccer at "The Dome" tonight. It should be a lot of fun. And I will hopefully get to have adult conversation on the sidelines. I am hoping that the other moms are not a yuppie as most of the gymnastics moms. I really don't need more practice smiling and nodding while others talk about their country clubs.

And in case you were wondering, the weather in Fort Wayne is nice and warm. It's a steamy 9 degrees now. This is about fifteen degrees warmer than when I awoke this morning. Paul wore his carhart coveralls to work today so he wouldn't freeze to death on his walk from the car to ITT.

And I suppose I should let you all know that Paul survived Axe Day. Lay offs were announced on Monday, and only one person in his department was laid off. I think Paul is both relieved and disappointed, since the severance package looked pretty sweet.

1 comment:

Manda said...

Good to know Paul survived the downsizing. Even if the severance was attractive, finding another job isn't always as easy as one would like. =(

Congratulations to you and Sammy on soccer!! What progress for Sammy to be able to join!

When it gets a little warmer, Tony and I would like to come visit and maybe take a trip to the zoo, so think about when might be good and let us know. ^_^

See you later,