Monday, November 8, 2010


Paul is coming home tomorrow! :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010


the baby isn't feeling well and won't go to sleep. so here i am up with her in the quiet house, unable to be productive.

i apologize for the grammar/punctuation. i am typing one handed.

anyway i decided to get a facebook account.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Have you had your break today?

Today, Nana came over and helped me disinfect more things while Papa took the children to gymnastics. Then he picked up McDs for us. We got a lot done.

Then Nana and Papa watched the kids, and Anne took me out for an early Birthday celebration. My Birthday gift was a 30 minute massage. It was very nice. I feel much more relaxed now. We also did a little bit of shopping so now I have a few decent things to wear this winter.

I am back at home and back to work now. I just have the baby and she is asleep, so I should be able to conquer more.

I think Paul will be pleased with how the house looks when he gets home.

I am very much eager to hear about how the dedication of the Calvary Agape Church went. If I recall correctly Paul is on his way to Vishakapatnam and Aruku today for three more dedication services.

I have heard no updates on Paul's foot. I hope it's getting along okay.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Still battling pinworms!

nuf said

Ian Aegis Luebke

Loree and Derek have a new little one!

Born Saturday, October 30 @ 4:38 am
Weight: 8 lbs 9 oz

Congratulations to Loree, Derek and to the big sisters Rachel and Alexis!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Thanks to Miss Nancy (a lady from church). We are no longer swimming in laundry. More like wading.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

this is impossible

"There is far too much to take in here, more to do than can ever be done"

Do you have the song in your head now? I am so overwhelmed! I guess I better go to bed.

Paul posted on the family homepage about his first couple days in India. It sounds like he's not been feeling very good (I sure hope he doesn't have pinworms).

If you'd like to read it and don't remember how to access the homepage, please email me.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I was cleaning the bathroom in an attempt to obliterate pinworm eggs, and I noticed some tiny bugs crawling around. I pried up some of the molding around the vanity and discovered what I am pretty sure are springtails are living behind our vanity. They look a lot like fleas. I guess I will have to call terminix tomorrow. I'm not sure how I am going to fit that in between taking Naomi (for the pinworms) and Sarah (for a respiratory infection) to the doctors. Plus tomorrow is election day.

Thankfully, Nana and Papa were able to come help me out a little tonight.

On a brighter note, Sarah has started walking alongside furniture holding on with only one hand.

I miss Paul.



naomi has them, i'm guessing she's not the only one.
I promised Paul I'd post everyday while he's gone. Right now I don't have a whole lot to say. Sarah and Omi were up most of the night screaming inconsolably. And Isaac has been up to all manner of mischief.

I miss Paul.