Monday, March 30, 2009

More baby news

A new Ciarrocchi is on the way.

Check it out here.


Manda said...


Leanne said...

Thanks for helping us spread the news- we're very excited and just beginning to tell the general public. We are officially 10 weeks now, which is slightly annoying because we thought we were 12 weeks until the ultrasound and now we feel like we have been demoted and are reliving the last two weeks like the movie "Groundhog Day". But we are happy for God's protection so far!

Kathy said...

Congratulations! Hope all is well!

(ps -- if you want any comfort about not being as far along as you thought, ask Shae about the 2 due dates she had for Abby that were about a month apart. Abby was born on the 2nd one)

Shae said...

Yes, she was born on the second due date, and by her appearance she was 2 weeks late.

And yet she was small enough to need preemie sized clothes.

The fact is, though, that due dates don't really matter that much. If you tend to have longer cycles, your pregnancy will tend to be a little longer. If you tend to have shorter cycles, a little shorter.