Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Less Time on the Computer

I have decided that during lent I will be spending less time on the computer. It is so easy to get sucked in. I haven't decided exactly, but I may make a rule that I can only "compute" between 7 and 9 PM. Unfortunately the only one to enforce the rule is me.


Kathy said...

hey, that sounds like part of my resolution -- no computer on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Anonymous said...

I'm cutting back on wasting time on the internet, too (it's been a yearly Lent challenge for me.)

I've just updated my settings for a Firefox add-on called LeechBlock to reflect my Lent decisions. Leechblock lets you block specific websites at certain times, or after spending a predetermined amount of time on it (on an hourly, daily or weekly basis). And they even have creative settings you can use to prevent yourself from just changing the the options...from a password (too easy - unless you have someone else set it and not tell you!) to typing in a 64-digit code before accessing the options (which definitely makes you think twice), to all-out forbidding access to the options when when a block is in force. I have now totally blocked a couple of (useless but fun) websites, while a few others (it's amazing how much time I can waste on news sites!) are set to daily time limits.

Anyway, you may want to check it out if you want some external enforcement that has some flexibility!
