Thursday, October 30, 2008

I don't like to talk politics with people who disagree with me. I usually avoid the subject, because I think it is best not to make other people mad. But I feel that my blog is a safe place to discuss the subject.

I know many of you are Obama supporters. And there are many things to respect about Barack Obama. And I find it quite ridiculous that so many people think that he is a secret muslim terrorist. I don't think that is true at all. So lets discuss the issues.


McCain's policy on the economy is somewhat schizophrenic. He doesn't really seem to understand some economic nuances, but he does believe that the budget needs to be balanced and he has been a consistent fighter in the war against earmarks. I respect that.

Obama's fiscal policy would pull us more toward socialism. And I don't think socialism is a dirty word. Obama certainly has a heart for helping the underprivileged (at least he has a heart for making the government help underprivelegd people). He has a strong sense of justice, and wants to see justice done. Unfortunately justice isn't always what helps the most for the economy. I do think that there needs to be more regulation than there has been in a lot of industry (and I am glad for that). But in other cases I think overregulation has caused problems. I know that Obama is going to "soak it to the rich". But by increasing corporate tax rates, I think it will hurt American businesses. And I also think it will decrease the incentive to succeed. Why make more money is Uncle Sam is just going to take it away? I do believe that all Americans should have a right to healthcare. But I am nervous about a government controlled health system --the government is pretty good at messing things up.


I tend to think McCain has the upperhand on this one. I think diplomacy is good, and I think that Obama is excellent at persuading people. But I also suspect he is somewhat naive. I also suspect that McCain's experience in the military, and his time as a POW will be helpful in this regard. I think McCain's position on the war in Iraq has been poorly characterized. Neither of the two have given a very good explanation of how they will deal with a nuclear Iran.


I think Obama may likely have the upper hand on this one. But I also think McCain's policies seem plausible.


Obama supports gay people having civil unions granting them the same rights as married people but not calling it marriage. McCain supports letting gay people say that they are married but not having the same legal rights. I think... I am sort of confused. And honestly, I am not entirely sure what my own position on this one is.


As many as three supreme court justices may retire in the next for years. McCain follows a strict constructionist belief. Obama feels that it is okay for justices to interpret the constitution according to their own beliefs. I find it terribly frightening where that could lead us.


Okay so now we have gotten to the meat of it.

"A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope!" -John Paul II

Am I a one issue voter? Not quite, but this issue trumps all others. I believe that life begins at conception and that innocent life must be protected. The heinous crime that is abortion causes the deaths of approximately 4000 innocents every day.

McCain opposes abortion. Obama supports abortion. He even believes that the government should pay for abortion. I do not want my money to be used to kill innocent people. He also opposed a law that would guarantee protection for the babies who survive an abortion.

Every pregnancy I have had makes me even more pro-life. I know that the baby inside of me is a real baby and not just a lump of tissue.

So even if Obama had by far the best plans for economy, environment and national security, I could not vote for him. We do not deserve to be a prosperous nation if we fail to protect the unborn.

I hope you wouldn't elect Hitler if he had a better health plan? Seriously, how many more lives are at stake.


I don't expect my little rant would change the perspective of anyone who is pro-choice. But I hope I have reminded my pro-life friends that that issue is one of utmost importance.

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