Thursday, May 17, 2007

December 17

I had my OB visit and first ultrasound today. Dr. Wheeler, pegged the baby's due date as Dec. 17. I'm guessing the correct date is Dec. 19 or 20. But I know something. NEVER EVER adjust your due date to make it later. Besides, since when do baby's come on their due date. (I am of course the exception---but this is only because my parents did not want me to come that day).

My pregnancy weigh in is 153 lbs. Only 3 lbs less than I was at full term with Abigail. Obviously I am going to have to watch what I eat (Hey look at this, I'll eat it too!!) if I don't want to be as humongous as I was with Isaac. So I keep repeating to myself, "self-control, self-control, self-control"


Kathy said...

Your comment about adjusting due dates reminds me of the 2 due dates you were given when you were excepting Abigail. And how she was born on the later of the 2.

Interesting... today is May 17. So if the dates are exact, then you have exactly 4 months left, eh?

*laughs* "Watch what you eat... hey look at this" reminds me of the "see-food diet" joke, but since Paul's allergic, you probably can't get as much mileage out of that one.

Shae said...

seven, not four...

Kathy said...

Sorry. I was thinking that 5 + 4 = 9 as opposed to 12 - 5 = 7 as I ought to have.

roerte said...

I was going to say something about that, like, "What, you didn't tell us for seven months?"

Then I thought about all the times I've forgotten to tell people about big things. ><