Thursday, December 24, 2009

A microcosm of life at our house

Me: what was dissecting the frog like?
Abby: It was fun!
Me: what did you like best?
Abby: the mouth, because we got to open it up and pull the tongue out.

Me (to Omi): Are you a big girl?
Omi: dah!!! (this is yes)
Me: Is Abby a big girl?
Omi: dah!!!
Me: Is Sammy a big girl?
Omi: Noooooooo!
Me: What is Sammy?
Omi: He a Sammy!

I roll over in bed and discover Isaac lying beside me.
Me: Isaac why aren't you in your bed?
Isaac: Because I'm thirsty!

At therapy with Sammy.
Sammy: I can't do it!
Lynn (the PT): Yes you can! You need to use that tummy muscle!
Sammy: Actually, it's an Ab!

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